Getting items like jackets and pants looking used is pretty standard but these scarfs required much more attention than I originally anticipated.
It was important to have the edges looking as used as possible. To achieve this we had to manually remove vertical rows of threads to expose the horizontal rows. Then we give the fabric a wash followed by using sandpaper and toothbrush to fluff up the edges. The edges will fluff up more after a few times out with your Smart Doll girls or boys. The most difficult part is attaching the yarn on each end as there is not much space on the yarn side.
The result however is worth the effort and looks fantastic with our used jackets - at the moment we have brown and gray but either color will have to get the boot as we want to simplify the apparel line.
The scarf can be worn on its own around the neck or with a jacket.|ジャケットやズボンをユーズド風にするのは簡単ですが、スカーフは以外に難しかった。縁のほつれ感を出すのに縦糸を数本抜き、残っている横糸をペーパーがけや歯ブラッシュでユーズド感を施す。羊毛をつけるのは特に難しかった。